Including an update from our Lucas Shop! | January, 2010 |
There's still time to register for our Annual Installation Banquet at the Canyon Creek Country Club on January 16, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Black and white will be the theme of the decorations, the tables, and, if you're game, the dress of the participants! That's right, you're invited (but of course not required!) to wear black and white clothing to the banquet this year. Should be a fun addition to an already great event. Tickets are still just $30 per person. |
WBA member and primo boat restorer Clay Thompson will provide the program this year. Given the quality, uniqueness and variety of Clay's restorations, you're sure to enjoy his presentation...even if you appreciate classic wooden boats only as works of art! The festivities kick off at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails, 7:00 p.m. for dinner. Venue is the same as last year, Canyon Creek Country Club, 625 West Lookout Drive, Richardson, TX 75080. RSVP to this link. It's all right here in black and white. See you there! |
Holiday Party a Fun Feast!
When Bob and Mildred Van Guilder throw a party, you can be sure of two things. First, you're going to have a good time. Second, the food will be wonderful! |
Bob and Mildred went all out to be sure our party was a great one. Click here for more photos of the event. |
Lucas: The Varnished Truth:
Below: With freshly varnished floorboards and side battens, the engine compartment is sure to show well. Can a fella's engine compartment ever be too pretty? I don't think so. |
Troy Marshall's 1948 Hacker
Below: Troy can almost taste the maiden voyage of the Hacker Triple as he dry-fits chromed trim pieces around the forward cockpit. Earlier this day, he was found inside, buffing the bulkheads. |
Chuck Pool's '56 Yellow Jacket:
Below: Lew White grinds old paint and rust from the Yarbrough Highlander trailer. Sandblasting was outside the budget. Boat bottom has been prepped for painting, and all white side paint has been meticulously stripped in preparation for varnishing. David Kanally primed the trailer with filler primer from rattle cans, and the trailer was beautifully hand painted by Lew and Bob. |
Getting Ready for the Boat Show
Below: The Yellow Jacket as it appeared at press time, with the boat re-righted on the restored trailer, ready for new seat backs and decking. The inside of the boat has been stripped with Hamilton Rial's help, and Bob and Lew are busy fabricating the new seats. If you'd like to help on this accelerated project (we need to be done by the Dallas Boat Show on Feb. 5, contact David Kanally via email or at 940-395-2742. |
Shop Talk and Musings: With the holidays behind us, we're back to work in the Lucas Shop. We're looking for a couple more volunteers to join us in getting Chuck Pool's Yellow Jacket ready for the winter Dallas Boat Show, which begins on February 5. This will be a great opportunity to inhale some sawdust and varnish fumes without making an investment of anything but a bit of your time. The boat, materials, supplies and shop rental are all provided. You'll learn a lot from boatwrights Lew White and Bob Adair, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you had a hand in the beautiful restoration of a genuine Texas wooden boat. All you have to do is show up. We'll be out there most days during the month of January. Call David Kanally at 940-395-2742 if you'd like to help. Please take a look in the shed or garage for the leftover parts or other saleable items you can donate to the club. Bring them to any WBA meeting, or contact David Kanally at for pickup. ![]() |